


We believe the Bible should never be boring, worship can be really loud, and good leaders always care. Before kids head off to middle school, we want to make sure these three things stick:

  • I need to make the wise choice.
  • I can trust God, no matter what.
  • I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Worship is focused on large groups, while Bible classes focus on small groups. We want kids to see how God's Word fits into their lives, to learn how to talk to him, and to build friendships that will last.

Our guest services team is available to assist guests or others who need assistance with check-in, provide directions, or answer any other questions at the Visitor Center in our lobby at the west end of the building.

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Preschool children participate in a time of worship and learning where they can explore Biblical stories and concepts in a fun and engaging way that communicates, at their level of understanding, that God made them, God loves them, and that Jesus is their friend forever.


Preschool children will explore biblical stories and concepts in a fun and engaging way that communicates to preschoolers at their level of understanding.

Three foundational truths we want to impress on the heart of a child are:

  • God Made Me
  • God Loves Me
  • Jesus Wants to Be My Friend Forever

Our guest services team is available to assist guests or others that need assistance with Check-in, provide directions, or answer any other questions at the Visitor Center in our lobby at the west end of the building.



We are one church with two languages and three worship assemblies.  Here's everything you need to know about your first visit, from parking and kid's check-in to worship style options and where to get your coffee.