Sunday Service Times
9 AM Traditional A Capella
11 AM Contemporary Instrumental
12:30 PM Español Instrumental
In each service, we sing, pray, share communion (The Lord’s Supper), and listen to a message from God’s word.
Coming in through the main entrance, you’ll see a check-in counter to your right where a Children’s Ministry team member will help you check in your children and answer any questions you may have.
Your children are welcome to stay with you throughout the worship gathering, or just before the sermon, those ages ages 3 through 2nd grade can go to Kids’ Worship for an age-appropriate lesson. Our staffed nursery is open throughout the entirety of our worship gatherings.
Students are encouraged to participate in our worship gatherings. Student programming and groups are held on Sunday evenings.
In between our 9 and 11AM services, at approximately 10AM, we encourage everyone to participate in a Gathering Circle (informal small group discussions). We find it is easier to connect with one another in these smaller circles than in our larger gatherings.
You can find a list of all Gathering Circle locations at every campus entrance.
GO Renova En Español meets in the Worship Center on Sundays at 12:30 PM. We offer biblical classes in Spanish during four periods of the year. The classes begin at 11:15 before the general service starts. More information on these classes can be found in the lobby of the main auditorium.