Make Disciples Who Make Disciples

At Greenville Oaks we are convinced that following Jesus is much more than simply attending church services and leading a good moral life. When Jesus promised his followers the abundant life, he was talking about something that involved substantial transformation of who we are and how we think. Just as the disciples of Jesus experienced this transformation and were excited to share the experience with others, so we believe that as disciples today he intends the same for us. This journey of discipleship changes us and molds us into disciples who make other disciples.

We call this process the Discipleship Pathway and it consists of three parts:

  • The Rooted Experience
  • Going Deeper
  • Coach Training

The next Rooted Experience begins Sunday, August 18.


The Rooted Experience


The next Rooted Experience begins Sunday, August 18

The Rooted Experience allows you to experience a different way of life: community, intimacy, and generosity. It is a catalyst for life-change, provoking questions, conversations, and beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences to help you find yourself in God’s story. Through this experience we hope you will be emboldened to live out your calling as a radical follower of Jesus. By rooting ourselves in God’s Word and His truths, we have a firm foundation on which we love the world.

During the 10-week experience, you will go through various individual exercises (daily readings, journaling, and prayer) and meet in your weekly group to talk about what you have learned. What God does in the group soon becomes the curriculum as the Holy Spirit moves people to open up and share personal stories and feelings. This is where transformation happens.

Going Deeper

Going Deeper facilitates a continuation of our journey of discipleship by building on what we experienced in the Rooted Experience. Utilizing materials based on the writings of Dallas Willard and James Brian Smith, participants examine distorted or inadequate views of God and our spiritual lives, and come to better understand the truth of who God is and how he calls us to live as followers of Jesus.

We will consider, understand and practice various spiritual disciplines that enable us to grow spiritually, and also participate in workshops that help us understand the importance of contemplative practices, how to better share our faith story with others, and developing a “rule of life.”

Going Deeper involves three different courses which Focus on who God is, living a Christ-like life, and sharing in a community of faith. Each course lasts from 9 to 12 weeks.

Coach Training

Becoming disciples who make disciples requires that we first establish a foundation of spiritual growth and maturity so that we can lead others to experience the same. But simply growing in discipleship ourselves does not automatically equip us to be able to help others do the same. So, the third part of the discipleship pathway involves helping disciples to be better able to mentor or coach others in the same process through Coach Training.

This part of the Discipleship Pathway is currently under development so that we can provide the best resources available to help us not only grow as disciples of Jesus but to also support others in this journey.